Charity Scam

Komischerweise haben die Verbrecher diesmal gar kein Foto der armen Frau beigeheftet. Aber es muss ja nicht immer gleich eine Ehe angebahnt werden. Nun wäre ein 16 Tonnen Gewicht in Gestalt eines gigantischen Allesbrenner schon ganz praktisch, denen auf dem Kopf fallen zu lassen. Doch würden wir wohl kaum die Adresse für Sperrgutversand als eher eine Kontonummer mitgeteilt bekommen, wenn solch ein Anflug von Barmherzigkeit uns überkäme:


My name is Elena, I am 32 years old and I applying to you from Russian province. I working in bibliotheca and I permitted to use  computer after work when possible. Our position is terrible and I decide write you this message in despair.

I have daughter, she has 8 years, her father left us and we live with my mother.

As outcome of deep crisis recently my mother lost job (a bakery where she was worked is now ruined) and our situation became very difficult.

Cost for gas and electricity is very high in our town and we unable afford to use it for heating our home  any more.

Wintertime is coming and weather becom colder every day. We are very disquieted and we donot know what to do.

The only way for us to heat our home is to use portable wood burning oven which give heat with burning wood (fire). We have many wood in our town and this oven will be heating  our household completely all winter for minimal charges.

Trouble is that we unable to buy this oven in our market because it price 8135 ruble (equival. of 191 EUR) and we cannot afford it because this amount is fortune for us.

If you possess any old portable wood burning oven and if you ended to use it, we will be very happiness if you can give it to us and organize delivery of this oven to our address (165 km from Moscow). This ovens can be different and with weight 100 – 140kg.

I wait for your answer.

Elena, my daughter and my mother.

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